
Jun 05 2020


9:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Complimentary Class to Create Magic In Our World

Free Full Moon Activation Circle: Release To Receive Abundance

Friday June 5th 9pm ET

The Strawberry full moon is all about embracing what we have brought into our lives through the seeds that planted in over the past months. It is followed by a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, which connects us with our deepest emotions.

Join Michelle Alva for a deeply transformative cleansing and clearing full moon circle, followed by an Abundance Activation. We are encouraged to expand our knowledge and experience to become our best version possible. We are so powerful and we get to achieve our biggest dreams, align to our Divine counterpart, with real love, unlimited possibilities and success.

Allow Michelle to guide you on a journey with gentle breathwork, shamanic drumming, Native American Flute and Singing bowls to deepen your clearing experience.

Tips On How To Release With The Full Moon Energy:

The full moon is full and round. When the sun is directly opposite the moon, it illuminates it completely. The moon is fully exposed, as we are too in this powerful time of shining light on our own dark spots.

Where are you still holding on to fear, or what are you having a hard time letting go in your life? The full moon energy gives us an opportunity every month to go deeper into those hidden parts within ourselves, if we choose to receive it’s magical gifts. The full moon represents fertility, transformation, completion and abundance. The seed is in full bloom.

The full moon period is called “waning” because the once expanding energies will now be starting to reduce or diminish. Because of this shift, the full moon is the perfect time to let go of anything that no longer serves your higher purpose. It is a time to ask ourselves, “what do I wish to let go of that is no longer serving me in my life? What do I wish to end in my life? This can be for example, a relationship, a job, negative thoughts or beliefs about ourselves that no longer serve us. We may want to de-clutter our home and get rid of objects we no longer use.

We may want to let go of physical and emotional weight and baggage at this time and do a ceremonial cleansing energetically in our home. You don’t have to do this all on your own, you can receive the support of the full moon to achieve good results especially at this time.

This time is a powerful time to receive healing, to re-charge your energy and receive more intuitive guidance and listen the deepest parts of your soul. The evening before the full moon is perfect for recharging your energy. You can sit outside and bathe in the light of the moon. And position your body in E3 Posture, Reclined Bound Angle Pose in Yoga with a pillow or bolster underneath your spine, to receive fully the cleansing energies of the moon.

A challenging aspect of the full moon, which I like to think about as an opportunity, is that we also tend to feel more emotional, or hypersensitive at this time. Nature created these cycles so perfectly for us all to cleanse and clear by the pull of the moon, in case we forget to, or in case we avoid our own deepest held emotions… transform this extreme energy into an opportunity to purge by directing your thoughts onto paper and performing a Full Moon releasing ceremony.


The event is finished.

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